I had the great blessing of traveling to Bryan, Texas on Tuesday and presenting a $2400 check from Refocus Ministries to Robert and Ann Horton of S.H.I.P. These funds were proceeds from the “surprise” BBQ Dinner and Roast given in my honor by my children and a friend. It was held at Solace Church in Berryhill with about 100 people in attendance. The “Roasters” included my brother Richard Archer, my good friend Mayor Tim Fox of Glenpool and long time pastor friends Randy Wilson and Dennis Cariker and President of Randall University Tim Eaton. Zack was the MC. The tickets were $20 each with all the BBQ and all the sides being donated by my friend Doyle Davis. It was his idea and he recruited Zack, Jade, Sara and Dean to do the planning, inviting and setting up, etc.
I want to express my thanks to Doyle for the good food and to my children and their spouses for all the hard work. While this event was a surprise and caught me a little out of my comfort zone, I appreciate it very much and am thankful for the funds that were raised to be used in the mission work in El Salvador of building housing and also the establishment of a Ministry Training Institute for pastors. The Training Institute is a vision of the Hortons and something that I look forward to helping to get started.
So a big thank you to my family and friends that purchased tickets and made the time to attend The BBQ Dinner and Roast!. God bless you all.
David Archer
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